Uses of Interface

Packages that use Clearable
anthill This package contains the main interfaces needed by ant implementors; in particular, it contains the Ant interface, which is the agent interface to be implemented. 
anthill.nest This package contains the main interfaces needed by nest implementors.   
anthill.util This package contains some utility classes performing different tasks, such as logging, printing and exceptional behavior handling. 
ants.freeant Freeant is an experimental ant based on the Gnutant algorithm.  
ants.messor This package ants.contains an experimental ant implementing a grid-like computing service.  
ants.random This package ants.contains a simple ant implementation that perform a random walking through a peer-to-peer network. 
antsim This package contains the main interfaces used in the Anthill simulation tool, including interfaces to perform evaluations, to collect statistics, to simulate peer-to-peer networks and to generate random requests of documents. 
antsim.genie This package contains the main interfaces used in the Anthill evolution framework, including interfaces to perform evaluations using genetic tools, to represent genetic codes and to manipulate populations of genetic codes. 
antsim.impl This package contains a prototype implementation of the interfaces included in package antsim
antsim.nestor This package is a prototype implementation of package anthill.nest to be used during Anthill simulations.  

Uses of Clearable in anthill

Subinterfaces of Clearable in anthill
 interface AntFactory
          Factory interface for creating ants.

Uses of Clearable in anthill.nest

Subinterfaces of Clearable in anthill.nest
 interface Gate
          The Gate interface contains the set of methods used by a nest to communicate with other nests.
 interface Manager
          The aim of a Manager is to control the execution of the ants receveid by other nests or generated locally.
 interface Nest
          Nest is the interface used by nest users to communicate with nests.
 interface RequestSet
          The RequestSet interface represents a data structure containing associations between request identifiers and listeners interested in the responses returned by those ants.

Uses of Clearable in

Subinterfaces of Clearable in
 interface GenericStorage
          The GenericStorage represents a generic storage which enforce a simple policy based on a maximum capacity.
 interface QueryStorage
          Implementation of an LRU based query storage.
 interface Storage
          Storage is an empty interface which is used a marker for storage objects, which may be requested and obtained by ants when visiting nest.
 interface Trail
          This interface represents a container for associations (ant identifier, previous nest identifier) stored in nests.

Uses of Clearable in

Subinterfaces of Clearable in
 interface PheromoneStorage
          Storage is an empty interface which is used a marker for storage objects, which may be requested and obtained by ants when visiting nest.

Classes in that implement Clearable
 class LocalTrail
          Class LocalTrail is the implementation of Trail to be used during off-line simulations.
 class LRUKeyStorage
          Implementation of an LRU based key storage.
 class LRUQueryStorage
          Implementation of an LRU based query storage.
 class MemoryStorage
          The MemoryStorage is a simple implementation of the generic storage which keeps resources in memory.

Uses of Clearable in anthill.util

Classes in anthill.util that implement Clearable
 class HashList
          This class implements a HashList, which is a combination of a HashMap and a doubly linked list.
 class MapList
          This class implements a HashList, which is a combination of a HashMap and a doubly linked list.
 class TreeList
          This class implements a TreeList, which is a combination of a TreeMap and a doubly linked list.

Uses of Clearable in ants.freeant

Classes in ants.freeant that implement Clearable
 class GnutantFactory
 class GnutantRequestGenerator
          This class implements a generic request generator.
 class GnutantResourceDistribution
          Classes implementing this interface are used to generate pre-defined resources at the beginning of a simulation.
 class GnutantResourceSet
 class GnutantResponseMonitor
          Listens for responses from ReplyGnutant and log the statistics.
 class UrlStorage
          Implementation of an Least Recently Used (LRU) based URL storage.

Uses of Clearable in ants.messor

Subinterfaces of Clearable in ants.messor
 interface MessorPheromone
 interface TaskStorage

Classes in ants.messor that implement Clearable
 class ArrayMessorPheromone
 class LoadDeviationAnalyzer
          This class implements the ScenarioAnalyzer interface.
 class MessorAntFactory
 class MessorRequestGenerator
          This implementation generates fake computing request to be simulated in the Anthill environment.
 class MessorResourceDistribution
          A resource distribution for the messor ant species is empty, since for messors there is no fixed set of "resources" in the system.
 class MessorResourceSet
          A resource set for the messor ant species is empty, since for messors there is no fixed set of "resources" in the system.
 class NestLoadListingAnalyzer
          This class implements the ScenarioAnalyzer interface.
 class NestNeighboursAnalyzer
          This class implements the ScenarioAnalyzer interface.
 class SimulatedTaskStorage

Uses of Clearable in ants.random

Classes in ants.random that implement Clearable
 class RandomAntFactory

Uses of Clearable in antsim

Subinterfaces of Clearable in antsim
 interface Experiment
          The Experiment interface represents the execution of a set of Scenarios.
 interface Peernet
          The Peernet interface represents a simulated peer-to-peer network.
 interface RequestGenerator
          Classes implementing this interface are used to generate requests during a simulation.
 interface ResourceDistribution
          Classes implementing this interface are used to generate pre-defined resources at the beginning of a simulation.
 interface ResourceSet
          Interface ResourceSet is used in scenarios in order to obtain a set of resources to be inserted in the simulated peer network and a set of requests to be performed.
 interface ResponseMonitor
          Interface ResponseMonitor
 interface Scenario
          Interface Scenario represents a run of the simulation of a particular ant algorithm.
 interface ScenarioAnalyzer
          Interface ScenarioAnalyzer represents analyzer object that are invoked at the end of each scenario evaluation.
 interface SimulatedNest
          Interface SimulatedNest extends Nest by adding methods for managing simulated nests, such as methods to obtain the ant manager associated to the nest, or to force the simulated nest to leave.

Classes in antsim that implement Clearable
 class Stats
          The Stats class enables programmers to collect information about events occurring during a simulation.

Uses of Clearable in antsim.genie

Subinterfaces of Clearable in antsim.genie
 interface GeneticExperiment
          An Experiment is constituted by a collection of Scenario's.
 interface GeneticNest
          The GeneticNest interface extends Nest with methods for managing genetic codes to be used in the creation of new ants during the evaluation of the fitness of a genetic ant algorithm.
 interface GeneticScenario
          Interface GeneticScenario extends interface Scenario with methods for managing genetic codes to be used in the creation of new ants during the evaluation of the fitness of a genetic ant algorithm.

Uses of Clearable in antsim.impl

Classes in antsim.impl that implement Clearable
 class ExperimentImpl
          This class contains a simple implementatin of the Experiment interface, that can be used to quickly test the behavior of an ant species by repeating the scenario a certain number of times.
 class GenericRequestGenerator
          This class implements a generic request generator.
 class GenericResourceDistribution
          Classes implementing this interface are used to generate pre-defined resources at the beginning of a simulation.
 class GenericResponseMonitor
          Class GenericResponseMonitor is
 class GenericScenarioAnalyzer
          This class implements the ScenarioAnalyzer interface; its task is to print the content of the statistics object whenever the analyze method is invoked.
 class PeernetImpl
          This is a basic implementation of the Peernet interface.
 class RandomResourceSet
          RandomResourceSet is a simple implementation of ResourceSet which generates RandomResources.
 class RangeExperiment
          This class contains an implementation of experiment in which one of the simulation parameter, specified trough parameter ParameterName, has its value changed from a minimum value (parameter MinValue) to a maximum value (parameter MaxValue), with an increase specified by parameter Step.
 class ScenarioImpl
          Class ScenarioImpl is a simple implementation of interface Scenario in which a predefined set of resources is inserted in the network and then a certain number of requests are performed and simulate.
 class TimeExperiment
          This class implements an experiment in which the evolution through time of a simulation is shown.

Uses of Clearable in antsim.nestor

Classes in antsim.nestor that implement Clearable
 class LocalGate
          Class LocalGate is the implementation of Gate to be used during off-line simulations.
 class LocalGeneticNest
          A Nest class collects the components of a Nest site: (i) a AntView object, which is the view of a Nest for an Ant; (ii) a Gate object, which manage the communication between nests; (iii) an Manager, i.e. the object which manage the activities performed by different agents.
 class LocalManager
          Class LocalManager is the implementation of Manager to be used during off-line simulations.
 class LocalNest
          A Nest class collects the components of a Nest site: (i) a AntView object, which is the view of a Nest for an Ant; (ii) a Gate object, which manage the communication between nests; (iii) an Manager, i.e. the object which manage the activities performed by different agents.
 class LocalRequestSet
          This class is a simple implementation of ResourceSet containing an hash table mapping ant identifiers to response listeners.

Uses of Clearable in jxtaimpl

Classes in jxtaimpl that implement Clearable
 class GateService
          This is a Jxta-Enabled-Service.
 class Manager
          Implementations of Manager capable to manage multiple threads.
 class NeighbourManager
          This synchronized class is used as a repository for storing information about this nest's neighbourhood.
 class Nest
          This class implements the Nest interface and the AntListener interface as well.
 class RequestSet
          This class maps RequestIds to appropriate ResponseListeners
 class Trail
          This class is meant for storing associations such as (AntId, NestId) where the NestId identifies the nest this ant came from

Uses of Clearable in

Classes in that implement Clearable
 class CmsStorage
          This class is in charge of managing the resources to be shared within the Anthill network.