Package antsim

This package contains the main interfaces used in the Anthill simulation tool, including interfaces to perform evaluations, to collect statistics, to simulate peer-to-peer networks and to generate random requests of documents.


Interface Summary
Experiment The Experiment interface represents the execution of a set of Scenarios.
Peernet The Peernet interface represents a simulated peer-to-peer network.
RequestGenerator Classes implementing this interface are used to generate requests during a simulation.
ResourceDistribution Classes implementing this interface are used to generate pre-defined resources at the beginning of a simulation.
ResourceSet Interface ResourceSet is used in scenarios in order to obtain a set of resources to be inserted in the simulated peer network and a set of requests to be performed.
ResponseMonitor Interface ResponseMonitor
Scenario Interface Scenario represents a run of the simulation of a particular ant algorithm.
ScenarioAnalyzer Interface ScenarioAnalyzer represents analyzer object that are invoked at the end of each scenario evaluation.
SimulatedNest Interface SimulatedNest extends Nest by adding methods for managing simulated nests, such as methods to obtain the ant manager associated to the nest, or to force the simulated nest to leave.

Class Summary
Stats The Stats class enables programmers to collect information about events occurring during a simulation.

Package antsim Description

This package contains the main interfaces used in the Anthill simulation tool, including interfaces to perform evaluations, to collect statistics, to simulate peer-to-peer networks and to generate random requests of documents.