Package anthill

This package contains the main interfaces needed by ant implementors; in particular, it contains the Ant interface, which is the agent interface to be implemented.


Interface Summary
Ant This interface contains the methods which must be implemented by ant developers.
AntFactory Factory interface for creating ants.
AntId Empty interface used as a marker for ant identifiers.
AntView Interface AntView contains the set of methods which are accessible to ants when visiting nests.
NestId Empty interface used as a marker for nest identifiers.
RequestId Empty interface used as a marker for request identifiers.
Resource The Resource interface describes resources that may be stored in a nests.
ResourceManager This interface represents a resource manager.

Class Summary
Neighbour Class Neighbour contains the information related to another nest related to another nest.

Exception Summary
ResourceManagerException This exception is raised when it is impossible to create a resource manager, due to some configuration problem.

Package anthill Description

This package contains the main interfaces needed by ant implementors; in particular, it contains the Ant interface, which is the agent interface to be implemented.