Package anthill.nest

This package contains the main interfaces needed by nest implementors.


Interface Summary
AntListener This interface must be implemented by nests in order to receive ants from other nests.
Gate The Gate interface contains the set of methods used by a nest to communicate with other nests.
Manager The aim of a Manager is to control the execution of the ants receveid by other nests or generated locally.
Nest Nest is the interface used by nest users to communicate with nests.
RequestSet The RequestSet interface represents a data structure containing associations between request identifiers and listeners interested in the responses returned by those ants.
ResponseListener Listener interface which must be implemented by objects that want to be notified about the results of a request.

Class Summary
AntDescriptor This class contains information about an ant,including the identifier of the nest which has sent it to this host, the identifier of the ant, the remaining time-to-live and a reference to the ant itself.

Package anthill.nest Description

This package contains the main interfaces needed by nest implementors.