Package jxtaimpl

Interface Summary
PeerFinder This interface defines a set of methods which should be implemented for periodically collecting information about other peers (Nests).

Class Summary
AnthillGroup This is the class implementing the AnthillGroup
AnthillPeerWS This class implements the PeerFinder interface.
AntView This class is the enviroment where an Ant can operate.
Downloader This class is in charge of downloading resources found by ants.
DownloadManager This class manages uploads required by remote nests.
DownloadService This class is a JXTA-Enabled Service.
Executor This class is used for executing ants once received.
GateService This is a Jxta-Enabled-Service.
GateServiceBuffer This class implements a buffer used by the GateServiceReceiver and GateServiceServer for exchanging messages.
GateServiceReceiver This class holds the input pipe for the GateService.
GateServiceServer This class reads messages from the GateServiceBuffer for processing them.
Manager Implementations of Manager capable to manage multiple threads.
NeighbourManager This synchronized class is used as a repository for storing information about this nest's neighbourhood.
Nest This class implements the Nest interface and the AntListener interface as well.
RequestSet This class maps RequestIds to appropriate ResponseListeners
Trail This class is meant for storing associations such as (AntId, NestId) where the NestId identifies the nest this ant came from

Exception Summary
SpeciesNotFoundException This class is used for throwing an exception whenever a wrong ant species is used.