Package anthill.util

This package contains some utility classes performing different tasks, such as logging, printing and exceptional behavior handling.


Interface Summary
Clearable Interface Clearable is implemented by those objects whose content may be restored to its initial state.

Class Summary
Analyzer This class can be used to analyze the memory footprint of an object reference.
Backtrack This class
ExtendedRandom This class extends Random by adding some utility methods.
HashList This class implements a HashList, which is a combination of a HashMap and a doubly linked list.
History The History class
InstanceCount This class contains the number of instance objects of a particular class as computed by Analyzer.
Log This class contains a set of static methods for the management of log files.
MapList This class implements a HashList, which is a combination of a HashMap and a doubly linked list.
Printable Classes extending Printable automatically inherit a toString() method which prints out their contents.
Queue The Queue class implements a queue with last-in, first-out semantics.
SHADigest The class SHADigest computes the digest (or hash) of the specified content, and enables various other classes to compare the digests and store them in a HashMap or other collections in need of a hashCode method.
TreeList This class implements a TreeList, which is a combination of a TreeMap and a doubly linked list.
Util This class contains various utility methods.

Package anthill.util Description

This package contains some utility classes performing different tasks, such as logging, printing and exceptional behavior handling.