Uses of Class

Packages that use ResourceManagerException
anthill This package contains the main interfaces needed by ant implementors; in particular, it contains the Ant interface, which is the agent interface to be implemented. 
anthill.nest This package contains the main interfaces needed by nest implementors. 
antsim.nestor This package is a prototype implementation of package anthill.nest to be used during Anthill simulations.  

Uses of ResourceManagerException in anthill

Methods in anthill that throw ResourceManagerException
 ResourceManager AntView.createResourceManager(String name)
          Returns a reference to the resource manager identified by the given name, if present.

Uses of ResourceManagerException in anthill.nest

Methods in anthill.nest that throw ResourceManagerException
 ResourceManager Nest.createResourceManager(String name, String species)
          Returns a reference to the resource manager associated to the specified ant species and identified by the given name.

Uses of ResourceManagerException in antsim.nestor

Methods in antsim.nestor that throw ResourceManagerException
 ResourceManager LocalNest.createResourceManager(String name, String species)
          Returns a reference to the resource manager identified by the given name.
 ResourceManager LocalAntView.createResourceManager(String name)
          Returns a reference to the resource manager identified by the given name, if present.

Uses of ResourceManagerException in jxtaimpl

Methods in jxtaimpl that throw ResourceManagerException
 ResourceManager Nest.createResourceManager(String name, String species)
          Returns a reference to the Storage instance associated with the invoking ant's species.
 ResourceManager AntView.createResourceManager(String name)
          Return a storage object identified by the given name.