Uses of Interface

Packages that use AntListener
antsim.nestor This package is a prototype implementation of package anthill.nest to be used during Anthill simulations.  

Uses of AntListener in antsim.nestor

Classes in antsim.nestor that implement AntListener
 class LocalGeneticNest
          A Nest class collects the components of a Nest site: (i) a AntView object, which is the view of a Nest for an Ant; (ii) a Gate object, which manage the communication between nests; (iii) an Manager, i.e. the object which manage the activities performed by different agents.
 class LocalNest
          A Nest class collects the components of a Nest site: (i) a AntView object, which is the view of a Nest for an Ant; (ii) a Gate object, which manage the communication between nests; (iii) an Manager, i.e. the object which manage the activities performed by different agents.

Uses of AntListener in jxtaimpl

Classes in jxtaimpl that implement AntListener
 class Nest
          This class implements the Nest interface and the AntListener interface as well.