Uses of Interface

Packages that use ResourceManager   
ants.freeant Freeant is an experimental ant based on the Gnutant algorithm.  
ants.messor This package ants.contains an experimental ant implementing a grid-like computing service.  

Uses of ResourceManager in

Subinterfaces of ResourceManager in
 interface GenericStorage
          The GenericStorage represents a generic storage which enforce a simple policy based on a maximum capacity.
 interface QueryStorage
          Implementation of an LRU based query storage.
 interface Storage
          Storage is an empty interface which is used a marker for storage objects, which may be requested and obtained by ants when visiting nest.
 interface Trail
          This interface represents a container for associations (ant identifier, previous nest identifier) stored in nests.

Uses of ResourceManager in

Classes in that implement ResourceManager
 class LocalTrail
          Class LocalTrail is the implementation of Trail to be used during off-line simulations.
 class LRUKeyStorage
          Implementation of an LRU based key storage.
 class LRUQueryStorage
          Implementation of an LRU based query storage.
 class MemoryStorage
          The MemoryStorage is a simple implementation of the generic storage which keeps resources in memory.

Uses of ResourceManager in ants.freeant

Classes in ants.freeant that implement ResourceManager
 class GnutantPheromone
          Gnutant Pheromone is "the routing table" of the Gnutant species.
 class UrlStorage
          Implementation of an Least Recently Used (LRU) based URL storage.

Uses of ResourceManager in ants.messor

Subinterfaces of ResourceManager in ants.messor
 interface MessorPheromone
 interface TaskStorage

Classes in ants.messor that implement ResourceManager
 class ArrayMessorPheromone
 class SimulatedTaskStorage

Uses of ResourceManager in jxtaimpl

Classes in jxtaimpl that implement ResourceManager
 class Trail
          This class is meant for storing associations such as (AntId, NestId) where the NestId identifies the nest this ant came from

Uses of ResourceManager in

Classes in that implement ResourceManager
 class CmsStorage
          This class is in charge of managing the resources to be shared within the Anthill network.