Uses of Interface

Packages that use SimulatedNest
antsim.nestor This package is a prototype implementation of package anthill.nest to be used during Anthill simulations.  

Uses of SimulatedNest in antsim.nestor

Classes in antsim.nestor that implement SimulatedNest
 class LocalGeneticNest
          A Nest class collects the components of a Nest site: (i) a AntView object, which is the view of a Nest for an Ant; (ii) a Gate object, which manage the communication between nests; (iii) an Manager, i.e. the object which manage the activities performed by different agents.
 class LocalNest
          A Nest class collects the components of a Nest site: (i) a AntView object, which is the view of a Nest for an Ant; (ii) a Gate object, which manage the communication between nests; (iii) an Manager, i.e. the object which manage the activities performed by different agents.