Uses of Interface

Packages that use ResourceDistribution
ants.freeant Freeant is an experimental ant based on the Gnutant algorithm.  
ants.messor This package ants.contains an experimental ant implementing a grid-like computing service.  
antsim.impl This package contains a prototype implementation of the interfaces included in package antsim

Uses of ResourceDistribution in ants.freeant

Classes in ants.freeant that implement ResourceDistribution
 class GnutantResourceDistribution
          Classes implementing this interface are used to generate pre-defined resources at the beginning of a simulation.

Uses of ResourceDistribution in ants.messor

Classes in ants.messor that implement ResourceDistribution
 class MessorResourceDistribution
          A resource distribution for the messor ant species is empty, since for messors there is no fixed set of "resources" in the system.

Uses of ResourceDistribution in antsim.impl

Classes in antsim.impl that implement ResourceDistribution
 class GenericResourceDistribution
          Classes implementing this interface are used to generate pre-defined resources at the beginning of a simulation.