Uses of Interface

Packages that use Experiment
antsim.genie This package contains the main interfaces used in the Anthill evolution framework, including interfaces to perform evaluations using genetic tools, to represent genetic codes and to manipulate populations of genetic codes. 
antsim.impl This package contains a prototype implementation of the interfaces included in package antsim

Uses of Experiment in antsim.genie

Subinterfaces of Experiment in antsim.genie
 interface GeneticExperiment
          An Experiment is constituted by a collection of Scenario's.

Uses of Experiment in antsim.impl

Classes in antsim.impl that implement Experiment
 class ExperimentImpl
          This class contains a simple implementatin of the Experiment interface, that can be used to quickly test the behavior of an ant species by repeating the scenario a certain number of times.
 class RangeExperiment
          This class contains an implementation of experiment in which one of the simulation parameter, specified trough parameter ParameterName, has its value changed from a minimum value (parameter MinValue) to a maximum value (parameter MaxValue), with an increase specified by parameter Step.
 class TimeExperiment
          This class implements an experiment in which the evolution through time of a simulation is shown.