Uses of Class

Packages that use StorageNotFoundException

Uses of StorageNotFoundException in jxtaimpl

Methods in jxtaimpl that throw StorageNotFoundException
 ResourceManager Nest.getResourceManager(String name, String species)
          Returns a reference to the Storage instance associated with the invoking ant's species.
 Resource[] Nest.getResources(Object request, String species)
          Return the set of resources which satisfy the request, shaped as a Resource[].
 InputStream Nest.getInputStreamForResource(byte[] resID, byte[] spec)
          Returns the InputStream for reading the resource locally stored and identified by the given resource ID resID.
 void Nest.unShare(Resource res)
          This method has to be invoked in order to unshare a resource locally stored.
 void Nest.downloadResource(AnthillResource res)
          Method for downloading a resource from its originating nest.
 Resource[] AntView.getResources(Object query)
          Performs the specified request on the local resource storage and returns the resources satisfying the request.
 Resource AntView.getResource(Object query)
          Performs the specified request on the local resource storage and returns the resources satisfying the request.
 void AntView.addResource(Resource resource)
          Add a resource to the nest.