Uses of Class

Packages that use CapacityException   
ants.freeant Freeant is an experimental ant based on the Gnutant algorithm.  
ants.gnutant This package ants.contains a simple ant implementation. 

Uses of CapacityException in

Methods in that throw CapacityException
 void GenericStorage.addResource(Object key, Resource resource)
          Adds a resource to the storage and associates it to the specified key.

Uses of CapacityException in

Methods in that throw CapacityException
 void MemoryStorage.addResource(Object key, Resource resource)
          Adds a resource to the storage and associates it to the specified key.
 void LRUKeyStorage.addResource(Object key, Resource resource)
          Adds a resource to the storage and associates it to the specified key.

Uses of CapacityException in ants.freeant

Methods in ants.freeant that throw CapacityException
 void UrlStorage.addResource(Object key, Resource resource)
          Adds a resource to the storage and associates it to the specified key.

Uses of CapacityException in ants.gnutant

Methods in ants.gnutant that throw CapacityException
 void UrlStorage.addResource(Object resourceKey, Resource urlResource)
          Adds a resource to the storage and associates it to the specified key.

Uses of CapacityException in ants.jxtagnutant

Methods in ants.jxtagnutant that throw CapacityException
 void UrlStorage.addResource(Object resourceKey, Resource urlResource)
          Adds a resource to the storage and associates it to the specified key.

Uses of CapacityException in jxtaimpl

Methods in jxtaimpl that throw CapacityException
 void Nest.insert(Resource res, String species)
          Add a new resource to this Nest.
 void Nest.shareResource(File file, String name, String type, String description, String species)
          This method has to be used by higher level application in order to share a resource in the Anthill network.
 void Nest.shareResource(byte[] file, String name, String type, String description, String species)
          This method has to be used by higher level application in order to share a resource in the Anthill network.
 void Nest.addResource(Resource resource, String species)
          Add a resource to the Nest.
 void Nest.downloadResource(AnthillResource res)
          Method for downloading a resource from its originating nest.
 void AntView.addResource(Resource resource)
          Add a resource to the nest.

Uses of CapacityException in

Methods in that throw CapacityException
 void CmsStorage.addResource(Object key, Resource resource)
          Deprecated. The public void addResource(Object key, Resource resource, byte[] buffer) method should be used in place of this one
 void CmsStorage.addResource(Object key, Resource resource, byte[] buffer)
          Adds the resource described by Resource resource and contained in byte[] buffer.
 void CmsStorage.share(File file, String name, String type, String description)
          This method is used by the Nest instance in order to share new resources not found by ants, but passed by the application level.
 void CmsStorage.share(byte[] content, String name, String type, String description)
          This method is used by the Nest instance in order to share new resources not found by ants, but passed by the application level.