15th July, 2000
Satellite Workshop of ICALP 2000
The aim of the PAPM workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners
interested in the development and application of process algebra to performance
modeling and evaluation.
PAPM 2000 proceedings will be published by Carleton Scientific (joint volume
with all the other satellite workshops of ICALP 2000).
The publication of a selection of papers as a special issue of a journal
is under negotiation.
Topics of the workshop include (but are not limited to):
(equivalence, preorder, axiomatization, ...);
(product form solution, distributed simulation, ...);
(probabilistic model checking, ...);
(stochastic Petri nets, queueing networks, ...);
(communication protocols, software systems, ...).
How to submit:
Papers of at most 15 pages in A4 format should be submitted electronically
by sending two separate e-mails to papm2000_sub@cs.unibo.it.
The first e-mail should contain indication of authors, title, abstract,
keywords, and contact author address. The second e-mail should contain
the paper itself in .ps or .pdf format.
For further information, please send an e-mail to papm2000_info@cs.unibo.it.
Important dates:
Invited Speakers:
Program Committee:
Organizing Committee:
Steering Committee: