My research interests lie in the general area of “Computer Systems”. More specifically, I am interested in software techniques for tackling the challenges brought about by distribution and by failures. Here is a partial list of the topics I have worked on over the past 30 years, in roughly chronological order. For each topic, I have linked a publication that is most representative of my work.

Operating Systems
Performance Evaluation and Modeling
Fault-Tolerant Computing
Distributed Systems
Byzantine Agreement
Parallel Computing on Networks of Workstations
Group Communication Systems
Peer-to-Peer Systems
Autonomic Computing and Self-Management
Gossip-Based Techniques in Distributed Systems
Biology and Nature-Inspired Computing
Game Theoretic Techniques in Peer-to-Peer Systems
Self-Organization in Dynamic Networks
Overlay Networks
Cloud Computing

Animations of simulation results exploring some of these topics can be found in this page.

Since 1990, my work has been funded exclusively by the European Commission through the following grants:

PDCS: Esprit Basic Research Action no. 3092
BROADCAST: Esprit Basic Research Action no. 6360
CaberNet: Esprit Network of Excellence no. 21035
ADAPT: IST Programme Shared Cost RTD Project no. IST-2001-37126
BISON: IST-FET Programme Shared Cost RTD Project no. IST-2001-38923
DELIS: IST-FET Programme Integrated Project no. IST-001907