24th International Colloquium on Automata,
Languages, and Programming

Bologna, Italy, July 7-11, 1997


Organized by:
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Bologna

This page is mirrored in North America at the URL http://boole.stanford.edu/~rvg/icalp97

A poscript version of the call for paper is available here.

The 24th annual meeting of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS) will take place in Bologna, the capital of the Italian region called Emilia-Romagna. Bologna is home for superb cooking and wine and of the oldest university in Europe.

Silver Jubilee and Invited Speakers
Important Dates
Program Committee
Organizing Committee
How To Reach Us
Satellite Events
Further Events
Further Information
ICALP'96 in Paderborn
Call for Papers
Conference Location and Hotels
Complete Informations (.ps)
Laurea Honoris Causa in Computer Science
to Maurice Nivat and Robin Milner


ICALP '97 comes in conjunction with the 25th anniversary of EATCS foundation. To celebrate the silver jubileee, this edition of ICALP will be organized differently, and accomodates some further events.
  • Celebration of EATCS and of its founders.
  • Invited Lectures on major advances in theoretical computer science since EATCS has been established.
R. Milner (Cambridge)
C. Papadimitriou (Berkeley).

M.O. Rabin (Jerusalem and Harvard)
D.S. Scott (Pittsburgh).

  • Invited Lectures on the state of the art and new promising trends.
K.R. Apt (Amsterdam)
R.J. Lipton (Princeton)

K. Mehlhorn (Saarbrucken)
D. Perrin (Paris)

  • A panel on Theoretical Computer Science: Governamental and Industrial Funding Policies. Panelists include George Metakides (DGIII-EU), Bruce Barnes (ONR-Europe), and Giovanni D'Addone (MURST-Italy).
The silver jubilee is also an occasion to re-shape the general format of ICALP. The program committee represents the two tracks as known from the two subseries of the journal Theoretical Computer Science and covers `algorithms' and `formal methods' equally.
If enaugh good papers are submitted, there will be parallel session in the afternoons, leaving the mornings for plenary sessions on the special events mentioned above. Finally, meetings, working sessions, system demonstrations, panels, etc. are solicited, and will be hosted as satellite events before/after the Conference. Contact the Chairmen for more details.

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    Papers presenting original contributions in any area of theoretical computer science are being sought. Topics include (but are not limited to):

    Authors are invited to submit seven copies of an extended abstract not exceeding twelve pages by

    January 15th, 1997


    Prof. Pierpaolo Degano -- ICALP'97
    Dipartimento di Informatica
    Università di Pisa
    Corso Italia 40
    I-56125 Pisa, Italy
    email: degano@di.unipi.it

    Authors from countries where access to copying machines is difficult may submit a single copy of their abstract. Simultaneous submission of papers to any journal or to another conference with published proceedings is not allowed.

    Electronic submission of papers is solicited. Instructions can be found at http://w3-theory.di.unipi.it/~vs/ICALP97/subm or will be obtained by sending a mail with subject ``submission information'' to the address: icalp-subm@di.unipi.it.
    The PC chairmen and the OC chairman would appreciate receiving information from the authors about their intention to submit a paper (title, name of the authors, contact person with full address, abstract, five keywords) a few days in advance.
    Submissions deviating significantly from these guidelines will not be considered, independent of technical merit.
    Simultaneous submission of papers to any other conference with published proceedings (or journal) is not allowed. Authors from countries where access to copying machines is difficult may submit a single copy of their abstract.

    Proceedings: They will be published by Springer-Verlag in the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science. We are presently investigating the possibility of having a ``special'' Special Issue of Theoretical Computer Science devoted to selected papers from the conference.

    Best student paper award: This prize will be given to a paper written solely by one or more students. The paper is eligible only if all the authors are full-time students at the time of submission. This should be indicated in the submission letter. The Program Committee may decline to make the award, or split it into several papers.

    Best presentation award: This prize will be given to one speaker of an accepted paper, according to his/her mertis in making the presentation appealing and curious, with no relation to the scientific merits of the paper. The Program Committee may decline to make the award, or -- more likely -- to split it into several persons.

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    Deadline for submission: January 15th, 1997 (Note the new deadline)
    Notification of acceptance: March 17th, 1997
    Final manuscript: April 15th, 1997
    Conference: July 7th -- 11th, 1997

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    P. Degano, Pisa (Co-Chair)
    W. Drabent, Linköping and Warsaw
    R. Gorrieri, Bologna (O.C. Chair)
    G. Gottlob, Wien
    J.W. Klop, Amsterdam
    T. Maibaum, London
    J. Meseguer, Menlo Park
    F. Nielson, Aarhus
    A. Pnueli, Rehovot
    P.S. Thiagarajan, Madras
    P. Wegner, Providence
    M. Cosnard, Lyon
    J. Diaz, Barcelona
    A. Fiat, Tel Aviv
    J. van Leeuwen, Utrecht
    A. Marchetti-Spaccamela, Roma (Co-Chair)
    B. Monien, Paderborn
    T. Nishizeki, Sendai
    J.E. Pin, Paris
    B. Rovan, Bratislava
    R. Tamassia, Providence
    E. Ukkonen, Helsinki

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    Roberto Gorrieri
    Dept. of Computer Science, University of Bologna
    Mura Anteo Zamboni 7
    I-40127 Bologna, Italy
    Tel. +39.51.354509 Fax. +39.51.354510
    email: icalp97@cs.unibo.it
    Members: Andrea Asperti (Bologna)
    Marco Bernardo (Bologna)
    Chiara Bodei (Pisa)
    Nadia Busi (Siena)
    Paolo Ciancarini (Bologna)
    Renzo Davoli (Bologna)
    Riccardo Focardi (Bologna)
    Stefano Leonardi (Roma)
    Andrea Masini (Pisa)
    Giovanni Pau (Bologna)
    Marco Roccetti (Bologna)
    Paola Salomoni (Bologna)
    Vladimiro Sassone (Pisa)
    Roberto Segala (v.Chair) (Bologna)
    Gianluigi Zavattaro

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    Rob van Glabbeek (Stanford)
    J. Karhumaki (Turku)
    Kim Larsen (Aalborg)
    Taishin Y. Nishida (Toyama)
    Jan Rutten (Amsterdam)
    Bernhard Steffen (Passau)

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    Italiana & Co.
    Via Altabella, 3
    I-40126 Bologna
    Tel. +39.51.228716 Fax. +39.51.222881
    email: italiana@bo.nettuno.it

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    ICALP'97 is organized under the auspices of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science, the Section on Informatics of the Academia Europaea, the Universities of Bologna and Pisa. Other sponsoring institutions are: CNR, EU-DGIII, ONR-Europe.

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    Announcements: Further announcements will be published in the Bulletin of EATCS and in other specialized journals. The final program will be sent to all those who have submitted a paper and to all EATCS members.

    Subscribe the mailing list: To add your name to the mailing list, to obtain further information or to provide suggestions, please send an e-mail to:


    LICS and CONCUR: ICALP'97 will be preceeded by LICS'97 and CONCUR'97, which will be held in Warsaw, Poland, the week before. For more details see http://www.bell-labs.com/topic/conferences/lics/. Warsaw is eaily connected to Bologna via Vienna, Frankfurt, Munich, Rome, Paris, Bruxelles, London and others.

    Touristic Information: Among the many treasures of the city of Bologna, we mention the an Archaeological Museum, the Morandi Musuem and the Pinacoteca Nazionale (containing several masterpieces by, e.g., Giotto and Guido Reni). Further information about the city can be found here (from the Local Authority -- mainly in Italian), and also here (mainly in English).

    Food and Traditional Gastronomy: Bologna and the whole region Emilia-Romagna have very good reputation in Italy for the quality of the food. Among the various specialities, maybe the most famous are baked lasagne, tortellini, Parmesan cheese and Parmesan ham.

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