hacker emblem

Renzo Davoli

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

University of Bologna

InterNICKname RD235 - HAM callsign IZ4DJE

Phone: +39 051 2094501

Key Fingerprint: BAF1 7B2F F82F 3F11 4DFE E114 2C65 F79E D328 E61B

Support the ECDL: European Coffee Driving License.Stop the Hollyweb! No DRM in HTML5.

Office Hours

Fall Term 2024-25 (Sep. 24 to Dec 17, 2024):

Research Projects and interests:


Slides of the lecture All You Wanted to Know About the Labs but Were Afraid to Ask for 2012-2013 computer science freshmen and freshwomen.

For info on the new virtual lab structure and organization follow this link VirtLab

Note: I am completely proprietary software free. More specifically I am not able to use any MS Windows Operating Systems and I do not want to learn how to do it. It is too counterintuitive and complicate. I was told that you must find under a "start" button the way to "stop" the computer. Do not send me any program or data that can be decoded only under a proprietary O.S. or by proprietary software, I might not be able to read it.
Personal Interests

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