Books, Surveys, Tutorials, Papers:
- Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning about a Highly Connected World, D. Easley, J. Kleinberg
- Graph Theory and Complex Networks: An Introduction, M. van Steen
- Statistical Mechanics of Complex Networks, Albert, Barabasi
- Random graphs as models of networks
- Network motifs: Simple building blocks of complex networks
- A Genetic Algorithms Tutorial
- Ant Colony Optimization
- Newscast Computing
- CYCLON: Inexpensive Membership Management for Unstructured P2P Overlays
- Pastry: Scalable, decentralized object location and routing for large-scale peer-to-peer systems
- Four Degrees of Separation
- Three and a half degrees of separation
- The Anatomy of the Facebook Social Graph
- T-Man
- Firefly-inspired Heartbeat Synchronization
- Gossip-based Aggregation
- Self-* Properties through Gossiping
- Greedy Cheating Liars
PeerSim Tutorials
Useful sites and software tools:
- The oracle of Bacon
- Film actors by nationality
- The Erdös Number Project
- MathSciNet Collaboration Distance
- Gephi Home
- Gephi visualization tutorial
- Using Netvizz & Gephi to Analyze a Facebook Network
- Gephi datasets
- Gephi "Dining hall preferences" dataset
- NetLogo download
- NetLogo demos
- Interactive demos of network concepts
- ER degree distributions
- ER and its variations
- Why there is just one component in ER
- Preferential attachment
- Forest fire diffusion
- Percolation on a 2D square lattice
- SI diffusion on a random network
- SI diffusion on a prefential attachment network
- SI diffusion on small-world network
- Complex contagion
Past Projects:
- AA 2011-12
- AA 2012-13
- AA 2014-15
- AA 2015-16
- AA 2016-17
- AA 2017-18
- AA 2019-20
- AA 2020-21
- AA 2021-22
- AA 2022-23