Davide Sangiorgi's bibliography (selection)
This page is not updated regularly. Papers can be found on the
Bibliography Server. One may find here however additional
unpublished material, or remarks on published material
Warning: The versions of papers that you find
here do not necessarily correspond to the published
Ownership Types for the Join Calculus
M. Patrignani1, D. Clarke, D. Sangiorgi
( Appendix to the paper)
Termination in impure concurrent languages
R. Demangeon, D. Hirschkoff,
D. Sangiorgi.
Proc. CONCUR'10, LNCS.
( Appendix to the paper)
A Method for Termination in a lambda-calculus with References
Paper in preparation.
On the Expressiveness of Polyadic and Synchronous
Communication in Higher-Order Process Calculi
I. Lanese , J. A. Perez, D. Sangiorgi, A. Schmitt.
Proc. ICALP'10, LNCS, to appear.
A model of evolvable components
F. Montesi,
D. Sangiorgi.
Proc. TGC'10, LNCS, to appear.
Functions as processes: termination and the
lambda mu mu~ - calculus
M. Cimini, C. Sacerdoti Coen, and Davide Sangiorgi.
Proc. TGC'10, LNCS, to appear.
Mobile processes and termination
R. Demangeon, D. Hirschkoff,
D. Sangiorgi.
Festschrift volume for Peter Mosses, LNCS 5700, Springer,
A Hybrid Type System for Lock-Freedom of Mobile Processes
N. Kobayashi, D. Sangiorgi
To appear Proc. CAV 2008, LNCS. Full version to apper in the TOPLAS journal.
On the Expressiveness and Decidability of Higher-Order Process Calculi
I. Lanese, J.A. Perez,
D. Sangiorgi, A. Schmitt
To appear Proc. LICS 2008.
On the complexity of termination inference for processes
R. Demangeon, D. Hirschkoff,
N. Kobayashi., D. Sangiorgi
Proc. TGC'07, LNCS.
On the origins of Bisimulation and Coinduction
D. Sangiorgi,
Technical Report 2007-24, Department of
Computer Science, University of Bologna.
Final version in the TOPLAS journal.
Logical Bisimulations
and functional languages
Logical Bisimulations
and functional languages,
D. Sangiorgi, N. Kobayashi, E. Sumii
Proc. FSEN'07, LNCS, To appear.
Bisimulations for Higher-Order Languages
D. Sangiorgi, N. Kobayashi, E. Sumii
Proc. LICS'07, IEEE, 2007.
(An appendix for the paper is here.
An errata for the lics version).
Full version to appear in the TOPLAS journal.
A correction on the Toplas paper: lemma 3.12 (used to prove
lemma 3.22) should be placed a little later wrt its current position, because it uses
lemma 3.15 (precisely, it uses the property mentioned 5 lines
before lemma 3.18). (Thanks to Valeria Vignudelli for pointing
this out.)
a Service Centered Calculus
M. Boreale,
R. Bruni,
L. Caires,
R. De Nicola,
I. Lanese,
M. Loreti,
F. Martins,
U. Montanari,
A. Ravara,
D. Sangiorgi,
V. Vasconcelos,
G. Zavattaro.
Proc. WS-FM 2006, LNCS.
Towards a calculus for Wireless Systems
Mezzetti N., Sangiorgi D.,
Draft of a paper to appear in Proc. MFPS'06, ENTCS Vol. 158, 2006.
An efficient abstract machine for Safe Ambients
Hirschkoff D., Pous D., Sangiorgi D.,
Draft of a paper appeared in Proc. Coordination 2005.
Towards an algebraic theory of typed mobile processes
Deng Y., Sangiorgi D.,
Draft of a paper to appear in the journal TCS.
A preliminary version had appeared in Proc. ICALP'04, LNCS 3142, 2004.
Ensuring Termination by Typability
Deng Y., Sangiorgi D.,
Proc. IFIP TCS'04, Kluwer, 2004.
Full version to appear in
Information and Computation, 2006.
Minimality results for the spatial logics
Hirschkoff D., Lozes E., Sangiorgi D.,
Proc. FSTTCS 03, Springer
Verlag, 2003.
On the representation of McCarthy's Amb in the pi-calculus
A. Carayol, D. Hirschkoff, D. Sangiorgi. Draft of a paper to appear
in Proc. EXPRESS 2003.
Full version
in Theoretical Computer Science, vol 330(3):439--473, 2005.
Separability, expressiveness, and decidability in the Ambient Logic
D. Hirschkoff, E. Lozes, D. Sangiorgi. Draft of a paper to appear in
Proc. LICS '02.
Termination of processes
D. Sangiorgi. December 2001.
Journal Math. Struct. in Comp. Sci. 16(1): 1-39 (2006).
Some results on barbed equivalences in pi-calculus
D. Sangiorgi and D. Walker. Draft of a paper appeared in Proc. CONCUR'01.
A distributed abstract machine for Safe Ambients ,
D. Sangiorgi and A. Valente.
Proc. ICALP'01.
Extensionality and Intensionality of the Ambient Logics
D. Sangiorgi.
Draft of a paper that has appeared in
Proc. POPL'01.
Controlling Interference in Ambients
F. Levi and D. Sangiorgi. An
extended abstract
has appeared in Proc. POPL'00.
Interpreting functions as pi-calculus processes: a tutorial ,
D. Sangiorgi. Draft, August 98, revised February 99.
Parts of it have appeared in J. of MSCS, 9,1999
(Special Issue on "Lambda-Calculus and Logic"
in Honour of Roger Hindley).
Asynchronous process calculi: the first-order and higher-order
paradigms (a tutorial) ,
D. Sangiorgi, April 99. Theoretical Computer Science, 253, 2001.
- A pi-calculus Semantics of Concurrent Idealised ALGOL
C. Roeckl and D. Sangiorgi.
A revised version has appeared in
Proc. Fossacs '99, LNCS 1578, 1999.
- Bisimulation in Name-Passing Calculi without Matching
M. Boreale and D. Sangiorgi.
Proc. of 13th IEEE Symposium on
Logic in Computer Science (LICS '98),
IEEE Computer Society Press, 1998.
On asynchrony in name-passing calculi
[ Abstract ]
M. Merro and D. Sangiorgi, draft, February 1998.
A revised version has appeared in
Proc. ICALP '98, LNCS 1443, 1998.
full paper is the
Technical Report 2001:06, School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences,
University of Sussex, 2001.
Imperative Objects and Mobile Processes
[ Abstract ]
J. Kleist and D. Sangiorgi, draft, October 1997.
A revised version has appeared in the
Proc. PROCOMET '98
(IFIP Working Conference on
Programming Concepts and Methods),
June 1998, Shelter Island, New York, North-Holland, 1998.
Full version to appear in the journal of Science of Computer Programming.
Typed $\pi$-calculus at work: a correctness proof of Jones's
parallelisation transformation on concurrent objects
[ Abstract ]
D. Sangiorgi, presented at FOOL'4, January 1997, Paris.
A revised version has appeared in Theory and
Practice of Object-Oriented Systems, 5(1), 1999.
The name discipline of uniform receptiveness
[ Abstract ]
D. Sangiorgi.
A revised version has appeared in
Theoretical Computer Science, 221, 1999.
An extended abstract has appeared
in Proc. ICALP'97.
Behavioral Equivalence in the Polymorphic Pi-Calculus
[ Abstract ]
B. Pierce and
D. Sangiorgi. University of Pennsylvania Technical Report
MS-CIS-99-10. Journal of the ACM, 47, 2000. A summary in
Proc. 23th POPL, ACM Press, 1997.
On Bisimulations for the Asynchronous $\pi$-calculus
[ Abstract ]
R. Amadio, I. Castellani, and
D. Sangiorgi.
In Proc. CONCUR '96, LNCS 1119, Springer Verlag.
A revised version has appeared in
Theoretical Computer Science, 195, 1998.
A Fully-Abstract Model for the $\pi$-calculus
(Extended Abstract)
[ Abstract ]
M. Fiore, E. Moggi and D. Sangiorgi.
In Proc. eleventh annual IEEE Symposium on
Logic in Computer Science (LICS '96),
IEEE Computer Society Press.
A Partition Refinement Algorithm for the $\pi$-calculus
(extended abstract)
[ Abstract ]
M. Pistore and D. Sangiorgi.
Similar to the version in Proc. CAV'96, LNCS 1102, Springer Verlag.
full paper
is to appear in Information and Computation)
An interpretation of Typed Objects into Typed $\pi$-calculus
[ Abstract ]
D. Sangiorgi,
August 96, INRIA Technical Report RR-3000.
Information and Computation 143 (1), 1998.
corrections for the Information and Computation
Some Congruence Properties for $\pi$-calculus Bisimilarities
[ Abstract ]
M.Boreale and D. Sangiorgi,
Theoretical Computer Science
198, 1998.
On the bisimulation proof method
[ Abstract ]
D. Sangiorgi,
journal of MSCS, 8, 1998.
A summary in
Proc. MFCS'95, LNCS 696.
pi-calculus, internal mobility and agent-passing calculi
[ Abstract ]
D. Sangiorgi,
A revised version has appeared in
Theoretical Computer Science
167(2), 1996.
of parts of the material contained in this paper can be
found in the Proceedings of TAPSOFT'95 and ICALP'95.
Lazy functions and mobile processes
[ Abstract ]
D. Sangiorgi,
Tec.Rep. RR-2515, INRIA-Sophia Antipolis, 1995.
A revised version has appeared in
"Proof, Language and Interaction: Essays in Honour of
Robin Milner", MIT Press, 2000.
Bisimulation in higher-order calculi
[ Abstract ]
D. Sangiorgi,
A revised version has appeared in
Information and Computation, 131(2), 1996 (Some
corrections for the Information and Computation paper).
Preliminary version in proc. PROCOMET'94 (IFIP
Working Conference on Programming Concepts, Methods and
North Holland, 1994
Techniques of weak bisimulation up-to
[ Abstract ]
R.Milner and D. Sangiorgi,
revised version of a paper appeared in the
Proceedings of CONCUR '92, LNCS 630,
Springer Verlag, 1992.
A fully abstract semantics for causality in the pi-calculus
[ Abstract ]
M. Boreale and D. Sangiorgi,
A revised version has appeared in Acta Informatica, 35, 1998.
extract in Proc. STACS '95, LNCS 900.
Locality and non-interleaving semantics in calculi for mobile processes
[ Abstract ]
D. Sangiorgi,
A revised version has appeared in
Theoretical Computer Science, 155, 1996.
A short version in: Proc. TACS '94, LNCS 789, Springer Verlag.
- A theory of bisimulation for $\pi$-calculus
[ Abstract ]
D. Sangiorgi.
A revised version has appeared in Acta Informatica, 33, 1996.
extended abstract in the proc. of CONCUR '93, LNCS 715.
Typing and subtyping for mobile processes
[ Abstract ]
B.Pierce and D. Sangiorgi.
In Proc. of eight annual IEEE Symposium on
Logic in Computer Science (LICS '93),
IEEE Computer Society Press.
A revised and extended version
has appeared in journal of MSCS 6(5),
409--454, 1996.
An investigation into functions as processes
[ Abstract ]
D. Sangiorgi.
In Proc. IX Conference on the
Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics,
(MFPS '93), LNCS 802, Springer Verlag.
From $\pi$-calculus to Higher-order
$\pi$-calculus --- and back
[ Abstract ]
D. Sangiorgi.
In Proc. TAPSOFT '93., LNCS 668, Springer Verlag, 1992.
Barbed Bisimulation
[ Abstract ]
R.Milner and D. Sangiorgi.
In Proc. of 19-the International Colloquium on Automata,
Languages and Programming (ICALP '92), LNCS 623,
Springer Verlag, 1992.
Algebraic theories for name-passing calculi
[ Abstract ]
J.Parrow and D. Sangiorgi,
Information and Computation 120(2), 1995.
A short version
in: Proc. REX Summer School 1993, LNCS 803,
Springer Verlag.
The Lazy Lambda Calculus in a Concurrency
[ Abstract ]
D. Sangiorgi,
Information and Computation, 111(1), 1994.
An extended abstract in: Proc. of seventh annual IEEE Symposium on
Logic in Computer Science (LICS '92),
IEEE Computer Society Press.
I have split my thesis (title: Expressing Mobility in
Process Algebras: First-Order and Higher-Order Paradigms,
1992) into 4 parts, which are called
Systolic automata and systems
These papers below are not available electronically;
send me an email if you'd like to have a copy.
Comparison Among Classes of Y-tree Systolic Automata
E. Fachini, A. Maggiolo-Schettini and D. Sangiorgi.
Proc. Symposium on Mathematical Foundation of Computer
Science, LNCS 452, Springer Verlag, 1990.
[ Abstract ]
Using Systolic Automata to Derive
an Improved Systolic Array for String Correction
C. Lengauer and D. Sangiorgi
Revised version of the paper
"An Improved Systolic Array for String Correction"
appeared in Proc. Advanced Research Workshop on Correct
Hardware Design Methodologies, Elsevier, 1992.
Some Structural Properties of Systolic Tree Automata.
E. Fachini, A. Maggiolo-Schettini and G. Resta
and D. Sangiorgi.
Fundamenta Informaticae, XII 571--585, 1989.
Non Acceptability Criteria and Closure Properties for the Class of
Languages Accepted by Binary Systolic Tree Automata.
E. Fachini, A. Maggiolo-Schettini, G. Resta
and D. Sangiorgi.
Theoretical Computer Science, 83 249--260, 1991.
Simulation of Systolic Tree Automata on Trellis Automata.
E. Fachini, A. Maggiolo-Schettini, J. Gruska
and D. Sangiorgi.
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 1
87--110, 1990.
Classes of
Y-Tree Systolic Automata and Regular Systolic Trellis Automata.
E. Fachini, A. Maggiolo-Schettini
and D. Sangiorgi.
Acta Informatica, 29 623--643, 1992.
Davide Sangiorgi