AY 2019-2020:
WORKSHOP 1 (WS2) "CyberSecurity", Master Degree in International Relations and Master Degree in Politics, Administration and Organization, University of Bologna.
Course material:
- Textbook (suggested but NOT mandatory):
- Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 3/E William Stallings, Lawrie Brown. Global Edition. ISBN-10: 1-292-06617-2 ISBN-13: 978-1-292-06617-2
- Slides:
Tentative Schedule:
# |
Date |
Topic |
01 |
09/03/20 |
Introduction to the Course.
Introduction to Computer Security.
CASE: “Mirai IoT botnet"
CASE: "Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highway—With Me in It"
READING ASSIGNMENT #1: The Internet of Things Is Wildly Insecure — And Often Unpatchable (Bruce Schneier)
02 |
16/03/20 |
Security-related news (report and discussion).
Overview: main concepts and terminology (first part).
Discussion of the "Reading assignment #1".
03 |
23/03/20 |
Security-related news (report and discussion).
Overview: main concepts and terminology (second part).
READING ASSIGNMENT #2: EARN IT is a direct attack on end-to-end encryption (Matthew Green)
04 |
30/03/20 |
Security-related news (report and discussion).
Overview: main concepts and terminology (third part).
(very) Basic cryptographic concepts (first part).
CASE: "WannaCry Ransomware Attack"
Discussion of the "Reading assignment #2".
05 |
06/04/20 |
Security-related news (report and discussion).
(very) Basic cryptographic concepts (second part).
CASE: "HTTP/HTTPS pharming attack. Description, example and discussion"
CASE: "FBI vs. Apple"
Emerging trends: "Internet of Things"