Lo Scuro

The true story of dr. Fabbri and mr. Dark


Once upon a time ago...

...well, as a matter of fact it was just October 1995.

Everything happened at the "1st Italian Summer School for PhD Students in Computer Science",
held at Pontignano, Siena, from the 1st to the 7th of October.
While all the others were deeply studying in their tiny rooms after hours and hours of heavy lessons, in the evenings dr. Fabbri was used to have a potion he secretly prepared every night in the well of the abbey (terrifying screams were heard in the mid of the night, without anyone being able to tell where they came from).

Every time dr. Fabbri gulped down his filthy drink, he turned into... mr. Dark !!!
His potion gave him the secret power of magnificantly playing the billiard neither he was aware of. Thus he went round all the billiard pools of the village incurring in sinister guys to whom he innocently said: "I never played the billiard in my life". They instead invited him to play, but his ability soon astonished the guys, who acknew inside his body the spirit of "the dark", the most famous italian billiard player...

...in nights of fullmoon a misterious fellow still goes around the hills of the country near Siena with a long wooden stick in a hand and an ivory bowl in the other.


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