Davide Bresolin

"Considerate la vostra semenza:
fatti non foste a viver come bruti,
ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza"

Dante Alighieri
Divina commedia
Inferno, canto XXVI

Research interests and activities
I'm an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Bologna.
My research interests are in the areas of hybrid automata, finite automata, temporal representation and reasoning, spatial and temporal logics.
"We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants.
Our glance can thus take in more things and reach farther than theirs.
It is not because our sight is sharper nor our height greater than theirs;
it is that we are carried and elevated by the high stature of the giants."

Bernard of Chartres

Genealogy Tree
A very old Curriculum Vitae (PDF) [English] [Italiano]


(Not so) Recent Talks

Research Projects
Teaching (in Italian, for students)

Ricevimento studenti: su appuntamento.

Come raggiungere il mio ufficio, in via Faustino Malaguti 1/D

A.a. 2015/2016:

Informatica per Matematica (modulo 2)

Architettura di Internet (esercitazioni)

Informatica per Biotecnologie

A.a. 2014/2015:

Informatica per Matematica (modulo 2)

Architettura di Internet (esercitazioni)

Informatica per Biotecnologie

Personal Pages