Data Argomento Slides
21/02 Introduction, Changing face of attackers, Economic impacts, Security terminology intro.pdf
23/02 Security in context, Network Information Systems, Trustworthiness, Real world security
25/02 Zero-day attacks, Security Policies, Assurance versus functionality, Security design principles

28/02 Introduction to cryptography, Terminology, Symmetric and asymmetric cryptography critto-intro.pdf
02/03 Steganography, Substitution ciphers, Permutation ciphers, Rotor engines, Enigma
04/03 One-time-pad, Digital Encryption Standard (DES)

07/03 Public-key cryptography, the RSA algorithm, Correctness and security of RSA critto-RSA.pdf
09/03 Laboratorio: Introduzione e Esercitazione 1 lab-intro.pdf
Esercitazione 1
11/03 Efficiency of RSA, Primality testing, Generating large primes
14/03 Authentication, Digest algorithms, Digital signatures, Message Authentication Codes critto-auth.pdf

18/03 Key Management, Kerberos critto-key-manage.pdf
21/03 Laboratorio: Esercitazione 2 Esercitazione 2
23/03 Certificates, Public-Key Infrastructures critto-PKI.pdf
25/03 Secret sharing, Key Escrow critto-key-escrow.pdf
PGP: Pretty Good Privacy critto-PGP.pdf
30/03 SSL: Secure Sockets Layer SSL.pdf
01/04 Laboratorio: Esercitazione 3 Esercitazione 3
04/04 User Authentication: Passwords, Dictionary Attack, Spoofing, Keyloggers, One-time passwords passwd.pdf
User Authentication: Biometrics, Cryptographic Techniques, S/Key, 2-factor verification critto-user-auth.pdf
08/04 Laboratorio: Esercitazione 4
Esercitazione 4
Lezione annullato

Lezione annullato



20/04 Access Control: Access Control Lists, Capabilities, Unix example access-control.pdf
22/04 Internet Security: Firewalls firewall.pdf
25 Aprile

27/04 Internet Security: IPSec IPSec.pdf
29/04 Laboratorio: Esercitazione 5 Esercitazione 5
02/05 Internet Security: Denial-of-Service, Distributed Denial-of-Service, Defenses (Rilevazione opinioni studenti) DoS.pdf
04/05 Internet Security: Cloud, IoT and Wireless Security Cloud-IoT-Wireless.pdf
06/05 Intrusion Detection Systems, Cyber Forensics IDS.pdf
09/05 Words of Wisdom from Bruce Schneier Schneier.pdf