ACM MSWiM 2008
MSWiM 2008 Symposium and Workshops Registration Guidelines
This page contains the registration information for authors and participants of the MSWIM 2008 symposium and related workshops: MobiWac 2008, PE-WASUN 2008, Q2SWinet 2008, WMuNeP 2008, PM²HW²N 2008.
Please read the instructions below. In addition to the traditional registration forms to be sent via FAX (see below), electronic registration is now available via this link: author registration is intended as the registration performed by at least one author of accepted papers (presenting the paper at the corresponding event). This registration must be performed within August 25, 2008 by at least one author, and it is mandatory for having the paper included in the proceedings. Additional authors and audience can use the General registration form (early registration deadline: September 5, 2008).
Author Registration for the 11-th International Symposium on Modeling and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM 2008), and co-located workshops (MobiWac 2008, PE-WASUN 2008, Q2SWinet 2008, WMuNeP 2008, PM²HW²N 2008) is now available.
MSWiM Posters/Demos should use the Workshop Author registration (indicating PM2H2WN workshop)
Payment receipt will be included in the registrant's Conference package.(A) MSWiM 2008 Author Symposium Registration Form
Important: for each paper accepted to MSWIM 2008, at least one author MUST register and use the following Symposium Author Registration Form () before August 25, 2008, and MUST attend and present his/her paper. At least one author should use this registration form. If you are a student author you still have to use this form (you can't use Student-registration fees).
Alternatively, electronic registration is now available via this link: that if you have a paper with MSWiM and another one with any of the co-located workshops, you must register for MSWiM and the workshop(s) separately using Author Symposium Registration forms (A) and Author Workshop Registration Form (B), respectively.
The form to be used for other (general) participants and additional authors, for early and late registration, is the (C) General (non author) Registration Form (see below).
FOR MORE INFORMATION: please contact Prof. Azzedine Boukerche:
(B) Author Workshops Registration Form
(MobiWac 2008, PE-WASUN 2008, Q2SWinet 2008, WMuNeP 2008, PM²HW²N 2008 (and MSWiM poster papers only))
Important: for each paper accepted to any of the MSWiM Workshops at least ONE author must register using the
Workshop Author Registration Form () before August 25, 2008. If the Author is a student- he/she still have to register using the Workshop author registration fees (you can't use Student-registration fees).Alternatively, electronic registration is now available via this link: that if you have a paper with MSWiM and another one with any of the co-located workshops, you must register for MSWiM and the workshop(s) separately using Author Symposium Registration forms (A) and Author Workshop Registration Form (B) respectively.
The form to be used for other (general) participants and additional authors, for early and late registration, is the General Registration Form (PDF file).
FOR MORE INFORMATION: please contact Prof. Azzedine Boukerche:
(C) Non-Author (Regular) Symposium/Workshops Registration Form
Early Registration Deadline: September 5, 2008.
This is the form to be used for other (general) participants and additional authors, for early and late registration:
General (non author) Registration Form ().
Alternatively, electronic registration is now available via this link: MORE INFORMATION: please contact Prof. Azzedine Boukerche: