Distributed Network Utility
Maximization in Wireless Networks With a Bounded Number of Nodes
Analysis and Enhancement of
On-demand Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
RealMobiSim: Realistic Mobility Simulator
and Analyzer
Dynamic Reputation-Based
Incentive Mechanism for Cooperative Relay in Personal Networks
Downlink Mixed-Traffic
Scheduling with Packet Division Multiplexing
Achievable throughput and
service delay for imperfect cooperative retransmission MAC protocols
A Collaborative Model for
Representing Wireless Sensor Networks: Entities and Properties
Modeling and Simulation Comparison of
Two Time Synchronization Protocols
Cross-Layer Performance
Evaluation of Sensor Networks: Routing
over Energy Efficient MAC
Studying Misbehavior
in CSMA/CA Wireless LANs
An Efficient Multi-Dimensional
Handover Scheme for Next-Generation Networks
Channel control for multi-radio
multi-channel wireless mesh networks
Analysis and Enhancement of
On-demand Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
Performance of Wireless Network
Simulators - A Case Study
A Scalable and Dynamic Energy
Efficient Hybrid-based MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
On stability and maximum
throughput of exponential backoff mechanisms with
two users
The Effect Of Vehicular
Environment on Broadcast Protocols
Quality of Service Support and Backoff strategies in Wireless Networks with Error
Control Protocol
Advanced and Versatile
Real-Time Emulation Platform for Heterogeneous Radio Access Systems