ACM MSWiM 2008
Go to Message from the Program Co-chairs
Message from the General Chair
It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM), and to beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Over the years, MSWiM has become a major research venue in the area of performance evaluation of wireless and mobile systems. This year, MSWiM has moved from being a symposium to a conference to signify its continued growth. We thank, Azzedine Boukerche, the Steering Committee Chair, and the MSWiM Steering Committee, for their hard work and leadership that has made MSWiM such a successful event.
This year, we have a very strong program consisting of an excellent selection of regular and short papers. The program also includes a poster session and a demo/tool session. We are happy to have three keynote addresses, one on each day of the main conference, from outstanding experts. Specifically, we would like to thank Mario Gerla (University of California, Los Angeles, USA), Klara Nahrstedt (University of Illinois, Urbana Champagne, USA), and Victor C. M. Leung (University of British Columbia, Canada) for agreeing to deliver keynote speeches. Albert Zomaya (University of Sydney, Australia) has also kindly agreed to be the keynote speaker for the MobiWac symposium.
Along with the main conference program, five successful and competitive full-day workshops will be held, covering several specializations within mobile and wireless systems. The workshops cover the following areas: mobility management and wireless access (MobiWAC), performance evaluation of ad hoc and sensor networks (PE-WASUN), QoS and security of wireless networks (Q2SWinet), wireless multimedia networks (WMuNeP), and measurement of wireless and heterogeneous networks (PM²HW²N).
In addition, we are happy to have two tutorials. One will be given by Antonio A. F. Loureiro of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil, on the topic of Energy in Wireless Networks. The other will be given by Prof. Stephan Olariu of Old Dominion University, USA, on the topic of VANET - the Quiet Revolution.
We wish to express our gratitude to the program co-chairs Brahim Bensaou and Violet R. Syrotiuk, and all the TPC members, for the outstanding and thorough job they did in selecting the technical program. Our gratitude also goes out to all the external referees for providing high quality reviews on a very tight schedule.
Special thanks go to the rest of the organizing committee, whose efforts are instrumental to the success of the conference, including the tutorial chairs, Hsiao-Hwa Chen and Bjorn Landfeldt, the workshop chair Mohamed Ould-Khaoua, the poster co-chairs Nirwan Ansari and Damla Turgut, the demo/tools chairs Kemal Tepe and David Tipper, and the publicity co-chairs Geyong Min, Farid Nait-Abdesselam, and Mirela Notare. Marco Di Felice and Luciano Bononi did an outstanding job of creating and maintaining the conference web pages. Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to all authors for providing us with this exciting program.
Last but not least, we wish to thank our main sponsor the ACM SIGSIM and the support of IEEE Computer Society. We are very pleased to welcome you to MSWiM 2008 and we hope you will find this year's event full of stimulating ideas and discussions.
Sotiris Nikoletseas
MSWiM 2008 General Chair
CTI/University of Patras
GreeceNael Abu-Ghazaleh
MSWiM 2008 Vice-General Chair
State University of New York
Binghamton and Carnegie Mellon University--Qatar
Message from the Program Co-Chairs
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 11th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM), held in 2008 in the beautiful city of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. MSWiM has a long tradition of introducing important and timely work, and we are confident that this year's program maintains those high standards.
In 2008, the call for papers attracted a record high of 188 submissions in all areas of mobile and wireless systems. The submitted papers came from 35 countries, and the accepted papers from 15, reflecting the international nature of MSWiM. The submissions included a large number of papers of very high quality making the selection process difficult and competitive. We had a two phase review process. In the first phase, most papers received 3 or more reviews. Based on these, we classified the papers as accept, reject, and discuss. In the second phase, the members of the Technical Program Committee were asked for input on the papers in the discuss category to help us reach an informed decision. In the end, we selected 39 regular papers, which is an acceptance rate close to 21%, and an additional 14 short papers were recommended for the program for their quality. The MSWiM 2008 technical program also comprises three distinguished keynotes addresses, a poster session, a demo session, and two tutorials; and in addition, co-located with the main conference are five one-day workshops with an additional distinguished keynote address.
Three among the 39 regular papers will be selected as candidates for the best paper award at the conference and will announced in the opening session. The winner among these three papers will be announced at the conference banquet, and will be reported in the proceedings of next year. At this point we take the opportunity to congratulate the winners of the best paper award at MSWiM 2007:"Analysing QoS Trade-offs in Wireless Sensor Networks"
by Rob Hoes, Twan Basten, Chen Khong Tham, Marc Geilen, and Henk Corporaal
Our thanks go to Azzedine Boukerche and the Advisory Board for their vision in guiding MSWiM from workshop to symposium to conference status over the years. We thank Sotiris Nikoletseas, the General Chair, and Nael Abu-Ghazaleh, the Vice General Chair, for sharing their advice and experience in handling the issues that arise in conference organization; it was invaluable. Our special thanks go out to Prof. Azzedine Boukerche and the Steering Committee for their vision in guiding the conference throughout its first 10 years. We also thank Carla-Fabiana Chiassarini, the General Chair, for her exceptional professionalism and leadership which was instrumental in making the conference a success. We also join Carla in thanking everyone who contributed to the conference, including, Luciano Bononi, Stephen Olariu, Hsiao-Hwa Chen, Mohamed Ould-Khaoua, Damla Turgut, Ioannis Chatzigiannakis, Xi Zhang, Jelena Misic, Mirela Notare, and Farid Nait-Abdesselam. In particular, we thank the TPC members for their valuable time and expertise in evaluating the papers, and in helping us put together the program. We also wish to thank the external reviewers for providing high-quality reviews.
We join the General Chairs in thanking our organizing committee, as putting together a conference such as MSWiM is a team effort. Thanks to tutorial co-chairs Hsiao-Hwa Chen and Bjorn Landfeldt, workshop chair Mohamed Ould-Khaoua, demo/tools co-chairs Kemal E. Tepe and David Tipper, and poster co-chairs Nirwan Ansari and Damla Turgut, for organizing the value-added sessions MSWiM attendees have come to expect. Special thanks go to Luciano Bononi and Marco Di Felice for maintaining the MSWim 2008 web site and to Geyong Min, Farid Nait-Abdesselam, and Mirela A. M. Notare for advertising the conference so fervently. Thanks are also due to Khalil El-Khatib, our registration chair. Our special thanks go to the TPC members for their valuable time and expertise in evaluating the papers and in helping us put together the program, and to the external reviewers for providing such high-quality reviews without which a conference like MSWiM wouldn't be possible. Finally, we thank our sponsors, ACM and ACM SIGSIM, for their continued support of these successful meetings.
In closing, we warmly welcome you to MSWiM 2008, and wish that both the conference and your stay in Vancouver are informative, interesting, and above all enjoyable!
Brahim Bensaou
MSWiM'08 Technical Program Committee Co-Chair
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Hong KongViolet R. Syrotiuk
MSWiM'08 Technical Program Committee Co-Chair
Arizona State University