List of Accepted Tools and Demos

A dynamic radio simulation platform for the study of radio resource management techniques in heterogeneous wireless systems
Miguel Lopez-Benitez, Maria del Carmen Lucas-Estan and Javier Gozalvez

Simulating Realistic Mobility Models for Large Heterogeneous MANETs
Luc Hogie, Frederic Guinand, Gregoire Danoy, Pascal Bouvry and Enrique Alba

JANE - A Simulation Platform for Ad Hoc Network Applications
Daniel Gorgen, Hannes Frey and Christian Hiedels

Demonstration of Time-Sliced Simulation and Testing Framework for Mobile Video Applications
Waqar Zia, Thomas Stockhammer, Tauseef Afzal and Wen Xu

Real Time Applications over HSPA
Junaid Afzal, Thomas Stockhammer, Eiko Seidel, Christian Buchner, Ingo Viering, Gene Cheung, Takashi Sakamoto, Yasuhiro Araki, Michael Sweeney, Takeaki Ota

Tools and Demos Camera ready Instructions

The camera ready version must be in the cti-press latex style format (file ctistyle.cls; for an example see file poster.tex) and have a maximum of 12 pages.

Authors must submit all required files (i.e. tex source, figures, etc.) by email to the address

in a compressed archive (.zip or .tar.gz), by August 28, 2006.

IMPORTANT: note that for the tool/demo to be included in the Proceedings, at least one author for each tool/demo must attend the event and register (full registration).


MSWiM 2006 Tools and Demos Chair:

Prof. Ioannis Chatzigiannakis
University of Patras and Computer Technology Institute (CTI), Greece