Registration Instructions
In case of paper acceptance, at least one author must attend the workshop and present the paper. As per standard policy, there is no workshop-only or workshop-specific registration. All authors and attendees must register for the WoWMoM conference at the full conference rate, which include the ability to attend any and all workshops. Also, note that at least one author must register within the planned deadlines and present the paper at the Workshop. Failure to do so will result in the paper to be withdrawn from the proceedings and from the workshop program (and the paper will not appear on the IEEEXplore DL).
Please note that paper registration (due within TBD on the EDAS system, for paper submitted to review) is a totally different process than authors' or participants' registration. The conference registration for people willing to attend the workshop is active.
The final manuscript should be uploaded through PDFeXpress. For the registration fees and payments, and the camera ready submission, please read the instructions contained at the WoWMoM 2015 Webpage.