Fondazione Bruno Kessler Universitá	 di Bologna Computer Science Department INRIA Rever

CaReDeb can be used to debug μOz programs

How to use

To execute the debugger launch the command java -jar deb.jar program_name

CaReDeb commands
forth (f) th_n
Execute one step forward the given thread
back (b) th_n
Tries to execute one step backward the given thread
roll (r) th_n n
Rolls back a thread of n steps, undoing all causal-dependent actions
rollsend (rs) ch_n n
Rolls back the last n send on the given channel, undoing all the causal-dependent actions
rollreceive (rr) ch_n n
Rolls back the last n receive on the given channel, undoing all the causal-dependent action
rollthread (rt) th_n
Rolls back before the creation of the thread, undoing all the causal-dependent action)
rollvariable (rv) id
Rolls back before the creation of the variable, undoing all the causal-dependent action
run (r)
Runs the program till the first breackpoint/false assertion or possibly terminates the execution
list (l)
Displays all the available threads
store (s)
Displays all the ids contained in the store
print (p) id
Shows the state of a thread, channel, or variable
history (h) id
Shows thread/channel computational history
help (c)
Displays the available commands
quit (q)
Quits the session