Program Committee:
Andrea Asperti (Chair),
University of Bologna, Italy
Bruno Buchberger,
RISC Linz, Austria
James Caldwell,
University of Wyoming, U.S.A.
Olga Caprotti,
RISC Linz, Austria
James Davenport,
University of Bath, U.K.
William M.Farmer,
McMaster University, Canada
Herman Geuvers,
Katholieke U. Nijmegen, NL
Therese Hardin,
U. Paris 6, France
Michiel Hazewinkel,
CWI Amsterdam, NL
Michael Kohlhase,
Carnegie Mellon Univ., U.S.A.
Patrick D.F.Ion,
Univ. of Michigan, U.S.A.
Zhaohui Luo,
Univ. of Durham, U.K.
Rob Nederpelt,
Eindhoven U. of Technology, NL
Mark Sofroniou,
Wolfram Research Inc.
Neil Soiffer,
Wolfram Research Inc.
Masakazu Suzuki,
Kyushu University, Japan
Nobuki Takayama,
Kobe University, Japan
Andrzej Trybulec,
Univ. of Bialystok, Poland
Stephen Watt,
U. of Western Ontario, Canada
Bernd Wegner,
Technical U. of Berlin, Germany |
Mathematical Knowledge Management is an exciting new field in the intersection of mathematics and computer science. We need efficient, new techniques - based on sophisticated formal mathematics and software technology - for taking fruit of the enormous knowledge available in current mathematical sources and for organizing mathematical knowledge in a new way. On the other side, due its very nature, the realm of mathematical information looks as the best candidate for testing innovative theoretical and technological solutions for content-based systems, interoperability, management of machine understandable information, and the Semantic Web. The Conference aims to bring together math researchers, software developers, publishing companies, math organizations, and teachers for exchanging their views and approaches and for pushing the field. The Conference proceedings will be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. |
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